Need help navigating your next move?

white and red lights on the road

You’re driving along the motorway. Following your GPS. It’s so much easier navigating your way when you’re travelling. Especially when you’re on your own. It’s one less thing to have to think about. It can allow you to relax a little, turn up the music and enjoy the ride. Navigating change You find yourself approaching […]

Blue Diamond retreats are back

Ever wonder if you’ve bitten off more than you can chew? That’s what I was asking myself at times in the first week of March. But it all came together in the end! On the first weekend of March, I ran not one, but two face-to-face retreats! I know, I know, what could have possessed me […]

Ever feel like an imposter? 

two figures holding up masks while greeting

If you find yourself doubting your accomplishments or experiencing a fear of being exposed as a fraud, you may be experiencing a case of “imposter syndrome”. Whether you’re familiar with the term imposter syndrome or not, the symptoms are surprisingly common.  Leaving imposter syndrome unchecked, however, could be holding you back in different areas of your […]

Is this it for the next 20 years?

Is this it? Is this what the next 20 or 25 years could look like? I never really planned to become an accountant. It just seemed to tick many of my boxes at the time. I was in my final year of university when I learned about auditing and that it could be a great […]