I was ready to write my next chapter…
Don’t worry, I haven’t got a book coming out. Although sometimes I wonder if I’m the only one who hasn’t: it seems like everyone’s at it these days!
No, I’m referring to the next chapter of my life. Boy, that sounds pretty deep, doesn’t it?
Sometimes I feel that life is flying by, without much though or control.
I was very much on the ‘career conveyor belt’:
- School
- Sixth form
- Uni with a placement year
- Grad scheme, training as an accountant
- 5 years in a bank
- 14 further years in financial services
- With countless roles, initiatives, and projects along the way
- I’ve even been lucky enough to work in different countries and cultures
So far so good!
But in reality, I’d been far too busy being ‘busy and professional’ all this time.
I’d been towing the corporate line, following the corporate values. Not really giving much thought to what was important to me personally.
Nor what I wanted. I mean what I really wanted.
I’d spent the first 25 years since leaving school in that way.
Blissfully ignorant.
Was this what I wanted for the next 25 years? Thanks, but no thanks.
So, I rewrote my next chapter…and I’m living it and loving now!
Yet, I’ve always got an eye on the horizon. Who knows what further opportunities could be lurking beyond the here and now.
What do you want in your next chapter?
Are you ready to write it?
Get in touch if you could benefit from a chat about your next chapter.
To read more about My Story and how it may be similar to yours, look here.