Career Plateau: Signs & how to overcome

Career plateaus can be daunting. As an accountant, finance professional, or professional in any other field, you can move from believing in your abilities to questioning yourself and your decisions. We can liken this to driving; we rarely travel at a constant speed. There are times when we are flying along, and at other times […]
Finding More in Life

Is this really it? Do you find yourself asking that question? Finding more in life is a common desire for business and career professionals. Often the hard work doesn’t seem to equate to happiness and fulfilment in life. So what can you do? Fulfilling Career Options I’m surprised, saddened and excited by some of the […]
Unlock a Happy and Successful Career

Ready to Unlock the Secret to a Happy and Successful Career? Do you ever wonder “Is this it?” or “What’s the secret to a happy and successful career?” From the outside, it often looks like we’ve got everything sorted like we’ve got it all – the job, the car, the house, the holidays, the […]
Best Motivation Tip for Success

Understanding what motivates us can be the key to unlocking performance, productivity, and fulfillment. It can ultimately determine our success. I share below my best motivation tip for success in life and work. Some people have a pretty good understanding of what motivates them. Others may have an inkling or not really understand at all. […]
Love what you do – by doing more of what you love!

What do you enjoy most about your work? Do you love what you do? Many of us probably have a mix of tasks, some that we love and other bits that we, well, don’t love quite as much. These will differ by person and by role, and may also evolve for the same person at […]
Stay Motivated while Working from Home

While many of us are appreciating some of the inevitable benefits of working from home – no commute, saving money, being able to dress how we want, and visiting the fridge at any time – it’s sometimes hard to get and stay motivated while working from home. Ironically, I’ve had to give myself a stern […]