How To Match Your Skills To The Right Job

Do you ever question whether you’re in the right role as an accountant or finance professional? Or are you questioning whether you’re using your talents and skills to their fullest? You’re not alone, many professionals ask themselves the same questions. The great news is that with a little tweak in your work-life strategy: you can […]

Career Plateau: Signs & how to overcome


Career plateaus can be daunting. As an accountant, finance professional, or professional in any other field, you can move from believing in your abilities to questioning yourself and your decisions. We can liken this to driving; we rarely travel at a constant speed. There are times when we are flying along, and at other times […]

Client Satisfaction: How Empathy Helps


The services we offer to our clients are important. Of course, they create revenue for us, and we can pay our bills, but this isn’t the full story. We are also interested in ensuring our clients’ satisfaction and happiness, which can translate to loyalty, a feeling that can prompt our clients to refer us to […]

Improve Communication In Workplace


We would like to welcome you to a world in which numbers do the talking, precision is of the utmost importance, and each decimal point is essential. Because you are accountants, finance professionals, and dedicated professionals in your respective fields, you are more aware than the average person that effective communication is the primary factor […]

5 Reasons You Need Soft Skills as an Accountant


For many, working in the accounting world often makes us think of balancing books and reviewing spreadsheets, but the truth is quite different from that. Although accounting language can sometimes boil down to debits and credits, it is skills such as teamwork, adaptation, and communication that can raise your game. Being a top accountant in […]

Can I really enjoy work?

Man working at laptop with coffee and plant showing he can enjoy work

  Is it possible to enjoy work? Back around the start of my career, I recall a conversation with a colleague. “Work isn’t meant to be enjoyable, that’s why it’s called work” – she said. But I enjoyed what I was doing (and I think she may have done it too). Each time I found […]

6 ways to boost resilience at work

scrabble letters spelling resillient

Could you benefit from knowing how to boost resilience at work? It’s not always easy juggling work alongside other stuff going on in our lives. And life isn’t always exactly smooth all the time. We each have our own hurdles and obstacles to overcome, as well as setbacks and knockdowns – in work, as in […]