Launch of Blue Diamond online workshops

Blue Diamond online workshops

Formal launch of Blue Diamond online workshops! I’d already done a few ad hoc sessions before, but as we can’t meet face-to-face, let’s get together online instead. From Monday 8th April there will be a series of 8 topics to be delivered on a rolling 8-week basis for the foreseeable future.  

NEW – Positivity workshop

NEW - Positivity workshop

NEW – Positivity workshop First run of the new Positivity workshop – 20th April – with positive feedback, no less!

Launch of the Blue Diamond Coach YouTube channel

Blue Diamond Coach YouTube channel

Launch of the Blue Diamond Coach YouTube channel This is not something I dreamed I’d ever do, yet like many of us right now, I’m pushing my boundaries. I’ll be posting various videos on career coaching as well as how to get ahead in your career!

4 simple steps for balance during lockdown


Never has the balance between work and life been so blurred… Following on from my recent article key skills to keep you safe & sane, I had what I can only describe as a brainchild. I wanted to do something that could inspire and help others. I wanted my message to be simple and clear. […]