Thinking about Life Beyond

Considering options for Life Beyond

My mind had wandered off elsewhere…to Life Beyond…. I sat at my desk. I sat in meetings. I was there in body (and sometimes voice). But I wasn’t really there. I was on autopilot. I was going through the motions. Pretending to feel engaged with the work and the people. Yet my mind was somewhere completely different. Far […]

Ready to write the next chapter

Melanie writing her next chapter

I was ready to write my next chapter… Don’t worry, I haven’t got a book coming out. Although sometimes I wonder if I’m the only one who hasn’t: it seems like everyone’s at it these days! No, I’m referring to the next chapter of my life. Boy, that sounds pretty deep, doesn’t it? Sometimes I feel […]

Is this it for the next 20 years?

Is this it? Is this what the next 20 or 25 years could look like? I never really planned to become an accountant. It just seemed to tick many of my boxes at the time. I was in my final year of university when I learned about auditing and that it could be a great […]

What’s in a story?

“There are no extraordinary people, only people that do extraordinary things” – Brad Brown I often use stories & metaphors. I use them in general conversations. I use them in my coaching and workshops. I sometimes use them in social media. You may have heard me talk about boats and rivers, about driving on the […]