5 Ways to Stay Ahead at Work

Without a doubt, lockdown is a strange time. It’s also a great opportunity to stay ahead at work You may find yourself with more available time, but it’s essential to remain focused to stay ahead at work. Maybe your role is more important than ever at this critical time. You may want to use the […]
8 Things Holding You Back from Success

Many of us reach a point in our careers where we feel disengaged & frustrated, and we don’t feel able to move forward. Is this you? Is something holding you back from success? Yet we’re often not as stuck as we believe. I examine below 8 things that might be holding you back, and most […]
Leaving it to chance is a huge risk

Imagine you’re on a river, in some kind of boat. You choose what kind of boat you’re in. It may be a dinghy, a barge, a sailing boat, a speed boat – maybe even a canoe. You’re traveling in the same direction as the river. At some future point, you anticipate reaching the sea. The […]
10 Things to Do When Made Redundant

You’ve just been issued your redundancy notice. Maybe you knew this was coming. Maybe you had no idea and are in total shock. Below, are 10 things to do when made redundant. 10 things to do when made redundant 1. Know your rights & obligations Check the paperwork and do anything that you need to: […]