Talent Retention In Accountancy Firms

Nurturing talents in accounting firms.

Innovative technology is increasingly changing and challenging conventional working practises, and accounting functions are not spared from this. Furthermore, fewer people appear to be attracted to a career in accountancy right now. The result is that talented people are becoming harder to come by, and accountancy firms are forced to compete for scarce resources at […]

Practical Ways To Improve Your Career

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the number of options, duties, and obligations that come with managing your career? Are you trying to find a way to cut through the clutter, clarify your objectives, and create a laser-focused strategy to reach them? Look no further because, in this blog post, we’ll explore the transforming potential […]

6 Most Valuable Workplace Skills

Are you relevant and valuable at work? To what extent do you think your value is in any way related to your soft skills? In today’s fast-paced and competitive job market, it’s more important than ever to have the right skills to succeed in the workplace.  Whether you’re just starting in your career or looking […]

Thinking about Life Beyond

Considering options for Life Beyond

My mind had wandered off elsewhere…to Life Beyond…. I sat at my desk. I sat in meetings. I was there in body (and sometimes voice). But I wasn’t really there. I was on autopilot. I was going through the motions. Pretending to feel engaged with the work and the people. Yet my mind was somewhere completely different. Far […]

Progression and perspective: career steps & leaps

view of spiral staircase from ground with blue diamond logo

Is there a link between progression and perspective? Imagine that you’re in a tall round tower. Think of Rapunzel’s tower but probably not quite so isolated. There may be other similar ones around. You’re looking out of a window towards the landscape around you. The view is certainly nothing to complain about.  But you’ve been […]

Using your personal brand for career success

Kingfisher on branch confidently displaying his own striking personal brand

Personal Brand? What has that got to do with me? I don’t work in marketing and I’m certainly not planning to be an Influencer anytime soon. “Your personal brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” Jeff Bezos. Our personal brand encompasses everything that affects how people view us and […]

Should I take a new opportunity?

plant budding out of tree to represent new possibility with blue diamond logo

The market is picking up. Is it time to take advantage of a new opportunity? There you were, minding your own business. Happy with your lot. Or happy enough, anyway. You were getting on with your work. Managing your workload as best as you could and vaguely considering your next logical career move. But this […]

Unlock a Happy and Successful Career

happy and successful career climb ladder

Ready to Unlock the Secret to a Happy and Successful Career?   Do you ever wonder “Is this it?” or “What’s the secret to a happy and successful career?” From the outside, it often looks like we’ve got everything sorted like we’ve got it all – the job, the car, the house, the holidays, the […]

Best Motivation Tip for Success

motivation tip for success motivation there is no other way

Understanding what motivates us can be the key to unlocking performance, productivity, and fulfillment. It can ultimately determine our success. I share below my best motivation tip for success in life and work. Some people have a pretty good understanding of what motivates them. Others may have an inkling or not really understand at all. […]

5 Ways to Stay Ahead at Work

stay ahead at work

Without a doubt, lockdown is a strange time. It’s also a great opportunity to stay ahead at work You may find yourself with more available time, but it’s essential to remain focused to stay ahead at work.  Maybe your role is more important than ever at this critical time. You may want to use the […]