Using your personal brand for career success

Kingfisher on branch confidently displaying his own striking personal brand

Personal Brand? What has that got to do with me? I don’t work in marketing and I’m certainly not planning to be an Influencer anytime soon. “Your personal brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” Jeff Bezos. Our personal brand encompasses everything that affects how people view us and […]

6 ways to boost resilience at work

scrabble letters spelling resillient

Could you benefit from knowing how to boost resilience at work? It’s not always easy juggling work alongside other stuff going on in our lives. And life isn’t always exactly smooth all the time. We each have our own hurdles and obstacles to overcome, as well as setbacks and knockdowns – in work, as in […]

8 Key Symptoms of Imposter Syndrome

What is imposter syndrome? Is it just in my head?

I’m always a little surprised when I’m asked “What is Imposter Syndrome?”, but then I’ve been immersed in it for a while now. I share 8 signs you might experience Imposter Syndrome, whether you knew it or not. I have also developed an online course to help professionals combat Imposter Syndrome, you can check it […]

11 Tips to Boost Confidence

Boost confidence in ourselves by looking in the mirror

Is it possible to boost confidence? We may think we should have confidence fully sorted by this point in our lives and careers, but lacking confidence is actually pretty common. And it can understandably make a huge difference to those experiencing it. I consider why confidence is both a relevant and important topic, before focusing […]

How Successful People Work Smarter, Not Harder

success strategy graph of steps to success

Wondering how successful people work smarter, not harder? This sounds like a great proposition to someone as busy as me. But what does it actually mean? And, more importantly, how can I apply it in practice? Essentially, we could all work as many hours as there are in the day. Regardless of our occupations, there […]

How to Improve Your Communication Skills

Communication can be so important to get right – and so easy to slip up on. So, let’s look at communication skills: and how to improve them in 3 easy steps. Ultimately, we work with and through others and need to be able to communicate to get things done. It sounds like it should be […]

Change Your Perspective on Imposter Syndrome

You may believe that I’ve got it all sorted… …but I often feel like an imposter. I frequently fear that I’m going to get found out. I actually hear the familiar voice of my inner imposter in my head more often than I care to admit. But, I’ve grown to know Izzy (my imposter) quite […]

11 Assertiveness Tips for Career Success

Assertiveness Tips

Could you benefit from some assertiveness tips? At work, some people seem to get the results they want, whereas others just don’t. The answer often relates to assertiveness. Assertiveness is a subtle art, which some people seem to master naturally. The rest of us muddle our way through, acting in unassertive ways for much of the […]

6 Strategies for when You Feel Overwhelmed at Work

Feel overwhelmed at work

Overwhelm is something I feel periodically, and I’m discovering that I’m not alone. It’s hardly surprising given that our modern lives are so busy and multi-faceted. Feel overwhelmed at work? It can be hard to deal with, but here’s 6 strategies to make it easier. You will also benefit from my course on Dealing with Overwhelm. […]

4 simple steps for balance during lockdown


Never has the balance between work and life been so blurred… Following on from my recent article key skills to keep you safe & sane, I had what I can only describe as a brainchild. I wanted to do something that could inspire and help others. I wanted my message to be simple and clear. […]