Managing a remote workforce

Melanie Coeshott - Rob da Costa

Managing a remote workforce Has Covid forced your team to work from home? Are you managing a remote workforce? Many of us have significantly changed the way we work over the last year. In fact, few of us have had little choice in the matter. Working from home – a ‘privilege’ previously reserved for certain […]

Workplace Health and Safety Tips

workplace health and safety

Whether you’re counting in days or years until your retirement, it’s important that you remain fit and healthy to continue to be able to work for as long as you plan to. Modern working practices can often be pretty sedentary and pose a variety of health risks. Furthermore, many of us have had to adapt […]

7 ways for better Work Life Balance

Get better work life balance

Work-Life Balance has been a hot topic for a number of years. It’s sometimes hard to recall our lives prior to covid, but finding balance was definitely challenging for many. Some people may consider they have a better work-life balance since the pandemic started, requiring them to work from home. This certainly saves time and […]

5 Ways to Stay Ahead at Work

stay ahead at work

Without a doubt, lockdown is a strange time. It’s also a great opportunity to stay ahead at work You may find yourself with more available time, but it’s essential to remain focused to stay ahead at work.  Maybe your role is more important than ever at this critical time. You may want to use the […]

8 Things Holding You Back from Success

holidng you back from success

Many of us reach a point in our careers where we feel disengaged & frustrated, and we don’t feel able to move forward. Is this you? Is something holding you back from success? Yet we’re often not as stuck as we believe. I examine below 8 things that might be holding you back, and most […]

Do less of what you hate at work

do less of what you hate at work

Hate is a strong word and not one I’m a big fan of, if I’m perfectly honest. However, I’m using it in this article for impact, as well as contrast to things that we love. This is following on the back of a recent article on “Doing more of the things you love”. So how […]

Is Your Work Environment Toxic?

work environment toxic

To a great extent, many of us are simply putting up with stuff at work. I talk partly from personal experience, but also from listening to many of those I come into contact with. So, is your work environment toxic? Various sources point to approximately half of employees in the UK being unhappy in the […]

Love what you do – by doing more of what you love!

love what you do

What do you enjoy most about your work? Do you love what you do? Many of us probably have a mix of tasks, some that we love and other bits that we, well, don’t love quite as much. These will differ by person and by role, and may also evolve for the same person at […]

How plants help us understand what’s not working at work

How plants help us see what's not working at work

What have plants got to do with anything? I have a lot of discussions with people about their work: they often come to me when things aren’t working for them. When you’re in that situation – as you may well be now – it’s not always easy to see the wood from the trees. I’ve […]

Stay Motivated while Working from Home

stay motivated while working from home

While many of us are appreciating some of the inevitable benefits of working from home  – no commute, saving money, being able to dress how we want, and visiting the fridge at any time –  it’s sometimes hard to get and stay motivated while working from home. Ironically, I’ve had to give myself a stern […]