Thrive in your current line of work

Working through your late 60s is becoming more common. Most people cannot afford to retire earlier. In addition, with people living longer, many want to work longer to stay active. However, how can you work for that many year successfully and without dread? You have three options: firstly, change nothing and carry on your current path, – […]

Should You Consider a Career Change?

notebook with question start new career

In today’s world, working until your late 60s is becoming common practice. Does that fill you with dread? Could you really stick it out at your current career for that long? Those are great questions. Here’s one more. Should you consider a career change? So, you are faced with working much longer than you had […]

Successfully Working until Your Late 60s

late 60s

Successfully working until your late 60s, is it possible? Does the prospect of having to work until your late 60s fill you with fear and dread? The current UK pensionable age increased to 66 for men and women from October 2020. This is set to increase further over the next decade, resulting in many people having […]

Is it time to get back in the driving seat?

Driving seat

Is it time to get back in the driving seat? It’s been a while, but it’s now time to take back control. We don’t always realize when we lose control, not really. It can just seep away from us, unnoticed. We initially find ourselves becoming comfortable. Then bored. Then frustrated. There could be all manner […]

Great free & cheap resources for start-ups

Hands reaching inwards to represent helpful resources

Resources of some kind are required to do most things. This article is aimed at those who are tempted to Do Something Different and set up their own business Starting and running a business can be expensive, especially before you have a steady income stream. It can be easy to rack up expenses before you […]