Love what you do – by doing more of what you love!

What do you enjoy most about your work? Do you love what you do? Many of us probably have a mix of tasks, some that we love and other bits that we, well, don’t love quite as much. These will differ by person and by role, and may also evolve for the same person at […]
5 Ways to Get Ahead at Work Now

Looking to make the most of the current lockdown situation? Here are 5 ways to get ahead at work, now. Get Ahead at Work During Lockdown You may find yourself with more available time at your disposal, but it’s essential to remain focused to get ahead at work. Maybe your role is more important than […]
Turn Career Setbacks into a Success

This latest article on Turning a Career Setback into a Successful New Business is a guest blog written by Lawrence Mager from, who was inspired by some of my recent posts on helping those affected by redundancy. If you’ve recently experienced a disappointment in your career, it’s important to take some time to reflect […]
10 Things to Do When Made Redundant

You’ve just been issued your redundancy notice. Maybe you knew this was coming. Maybe you had no idea and are in total shock. Below, are 10 things to do when made redundant. 10 things to do when made redundant 1. Know your rights & obligations Check the paperwork and do anything that you need to: […]
Thrive in your current line of work

Working through your late 60s is becoming more common. Most people cannot afford to retire earlier. In addition, with people living longer, many want to work longer to stay active. However, how can you work for that many year successfully and without dread? You have three options: firstly, change nothing and carry on your current path, – […]
Successfully Working until Your Late 60s

Successfully working until your late 60s, is it possible? Does the prospect of having to work until your late 60s fill you with fear and dread? The current UK pensionable age increased to 66 for men and women from October 2020. This is set to increase further over the next decade, resulting in many people having […]
4 simple steps for balance during lockdown

Never has the balance between work and life been so blurred… Following on from my recent article key skills to keep you safe & sane, I had what I can only describe as a brainchild. I wanted to do something that could inspire and help others. I wanted my message to be simple and clear. […]
Stepping off the merry-go-round for reflection

If you’re anything like me, it can be hard to step off the merry-go-round when you’re in the thick of the day-to-day. Or even to imagine that it might be possible. Stepping off the merry-go-round for reflection Christmas seems to be one of the only times when many of us feel that we can do just […]
How to excel at networking

I reckon I probably do a lot more than many when it comes to networking. When I mention my networking quests to friends and peers, I’m sometimes met with either a look of awe or distaste. It appears that networking is not widely popular – even for those that I think would be great at […]